Sunday, January 1, 2012


"What the hell? Another blog?"

That's exactly what I had in mind when I suddenly thought of having a new blog. My last blog is ...well, sort of ...dead! And I just can't stand with all of the craps that I wrote back then. I was indeed boring in many ways!

This blog will eventually die just like my last blog(s), I can foresee that. There will be events of expected "hiatus" and they are usually caused by crazy deadlines or a lost of el passion di scrivere - common excuses!

I haven't decided on the genre of this blog yet but the expected contents would be craps and more craps about me against a lot of things. The mode of delivery would be very much reflective with lack of strong cross-reference procedure. Hence, you may expect me babbling like a child in the end. After all, it's my blog!

Finally, I know this blog won't attract much attention from others - that's usually the case when you start something new; but, eventually there will be many ghost readers. And if you are followers or ghost readers, I deeply appreciate your interest and I thank all of you in advance.


  1. Aww..ur welcome! Im a ghost reader by the name of 'Bulat'. Wait, why did i tell you that? Okay, im not a ghost anymore. Enough crap. Follow my blog okay! Hahahaha

  2. Hahaha.. B kau jahat!!! OK! Aku follow blog kau!


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