Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Professionalism at work

Professionalism is best served cold-heartedly

It is undeniably crucial for all of us to be professional at work. In whatever things that we do, we must not let our feelings cloud our judgment. If this happens, workplace issues may not be tackled effectively and consequently, the department and the whole organization would be at risk.

These days, there are many staff from various industries who can be labelled as failed professionals. One simply misuses his/her position to abuse others. The weak becomes weaker and the not-so-strong becomes much stronger - just like bullying. Perhaps, this scenario occurs as a domino effect in the office hierarchy. When the higher level of administration bullies your immediate boss, your immediate boss bullies you in return. The question is, at what point this scenario should stop? Should we fix our immediate boss or the big boss; or should we just quit our job and take the next boarding flight to god-knows-where and just get lost in a foreign land? I'm rambling.

Professionalism; perhaps, I am not the perfect example. However, when it comes to work involving others, I make it a point to be dedicated because I do not like to cause problems to other people. Regardless I like or I hate a person, when it comes work, I make it point that work is work. I used to bash my own friend in a discussion but after the discussion we're still friends and it goes vice versa. I believe that in many ways, this is healthy.

In some organizations, the term professionalism is judged based on how the people dress but not how the people behave. When professionalism and ethics are sadly focused on the outlook of the people, the soft skills development is eventually being deprived. This explains why there are many people who "look" professional but the moment they open their mouth, the term professionalism seems to be just a myth.

Our personal feelings and thoughts should not get in the way when we are at work. Thus, we should avoid talking about other people's personal issues at work and we should give FULL cooperation to the person we know we hate or we love. It may seem hard but it is the RIGHT thing to do. This bullying scenario has to be stopped at some point and I strongly feel that the domino effect can be changed. If everyone has the awareness of doing the right thing, keep an open mind, be forgiving and helpful, we will make up a strong team and a successful organization.

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