Monday, January 2, 2012

Breaking the girl: Nur Amalina Che Bakri

It was just another regular evening when my friend suddenly saw updates on twitter regarding Nur Amalina Che Bakri. We were basically clueless, so, we tried to track down the tweets and ended up even more clueless. Hence, we tried the next best thing which is our beloved google. As we googled the name we saw some entries about the designated person and the things that people said with regards to her failing to finish her studies. We quickly concluded "That's it? BORING!" Why on earth the whole country actually made such a big fuss about this so-called brainee who scored her SPM with flying colour but failed to finish her studies in the UK. Later, I found out that there's more to it. Nur Amalina didn't only fail to finish her studies but she failed in other aspects too. It turns out that she has changed (drastically). Please refer to the pictures below:



Apparently, many Malaysians are not happy with the "while UK" photos. They consider them as sexy and in many ways a disgrace to the people, religion and the country. Perhaps they are right, and perhaps, Nur Amalina needs to be reminded after all. However, nobody's perfect. She's young and what she's doing is a basic portrayal of the meaning of being young. Give her some space to make mistakes. She'll learn from it eventually. I truly understand if the whole country is concern about this issue but bashing girls who remove their tudung and stereotyping them do not support the situation at all. Please don't make quick judgments, instead, advice her. In many ways, all of us are as flawed as Nur Amalina.

Just my two cents.


  1. Meriahhh ni... Letop English. I like. Statement membanggakn. Jgn nak hukum Sgt kn. Bimbingnye tidak. Jd mengumpat plak. Buka minda. Bagus blog ni.

  2. well said bro! Yup she's still young and let her get her own "freedom" and be in her "own" way.. But the problem is, I know she's damn smart and it such a wasteful to see this "asset" ruining her life like what we saw happened to the "Oxford-Sufiyah". Should I just read and watch this another "sister in Islam" falls? Or should we just wait until she's crying for a help? Aren't we suppose to guide this youngster to be good? Or should we the adults follow the rhythm and just keep quite? U tell me! Should I?

  3. Cinta Prince: Hehe.. Thank you so much.. :)

  4. Dear Faliza M.A,

    There is a puzzle in my argument that actually explains how this young girl needs to be reminded and advised. I am not saying that I totally agree with giving her freedom to do whatever she wants. What I am sad with regards to this issue is how our society simply makes quick judgments and wrong accusations about this poor girl. Islam does not encourage us to judge others. I am sad how some bloggers make ridiculous remarks about her breasts and relating her changes to PAS and Nik Aziz which is even a more serious crime than what has already existed.

    I just hope our society could be more careful and mature in making comments and remarks about issues like this.


  5. She's only in the centre of the attention because she was the girl who got 17As. Done.

  6. Bulat.. She's special because rarely we see a Melayu can get that kind of achievement. So kesiankan dia coz definitely we have to help her eventhough she might not needs it..

  7. Mr. A.A.. i got ur point. Yup that's true! We cannot judge others and we also cannot let ourselves doing the same mistake by letting the Sufiyah's case to happen once again. So let help her. If she's reading to this blog, please remember "Allah is watching us". It's nothing to do with being young or old. When it's our time..and as promised by Allah, death will surely come to us. So muhasabahkan diri and please...appreciate ur life before it's too late..

    Whatever it is.. bro, thanks for your comment. i'm not against you. But I think you should rephrase back you statement of "..She's young and what she's doing is a basic portrayal of the meaning of being young. Give her some space to make mistakes. She'll learn from it eventually" because u sound like agreeing with her wrong doing. We can see the problem already so it's our duty to help guiding her back..

    Wallahualam musawab..

  8. Meh. Malaysian kids go overseas and go gaga ain't new. But that we spent so much for her to flunk her A-levels? That sucks.

    Better off sending her to do her A-levels at Taylor's University College ... tengok pass ke tak ... hehehe.

  9. Dont get me wrong. I agree with you. Im just saying she became the talk of the town because people know her. Yg budak2 lain tu, ada org lain kesah? org nak pakai sexy kat mana2 pun boleh. Tak payah pegi overseas. Oh well, people do make mistakes and yes people needs to be reminded.

  10. "Give her some space to make mistakes"... +1

  11. hey Mr.A, nice blog..
    well about Nur Amalina, i think she have nice personality..
    last week i saw her on NoNA, and for now she is actively preparing for the final chapter of the draft paper on obstetrics and gynecology plus she is one of the best student in her university..
    even though she is busy with her studies and research she still have time for community service..
    i don't know why people love to talk about the disreputation
    of others without knowing them well..
    look people, it must be really hard for her to face this issue alone, especially when you are away on roaming, belajar pulak tu..
    why don't you ask her, how is she doing in her studies, whats her progress/achievement? what is it like to live far away from Malaysia? is it difficult to find halal food in her foreign countries? how is the weather there? is she able to withstand cold weather when the arrival of winter?
    Such questions could ease her education process and her life there.. yang related to religion itu, perlulah kita nasihatkan dengan lebih teliti dan dengan nada yang sopan.. bukan sindiran.. semua manusia Allah jadikan ada baik dan celanya, maka perlu apa kita pertikaikan dengan menggunakan bahasa yang kasar yang mampu membuat hati seseorang itu terguris?
    wake up! that's it, its time to change our sick-minded yang terlampau dahagakan gosip..
    lastly, sorry Mr.A for using your blog as a medium for me to express my point of view.. THANKS!!


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